Ni kanske har legat sömnlösa och undrat, "men hur fick hon inspirationen till att använda den där blommiga klänningen igår"? Ni kanske också tänkte, "är hon så mallig för att hon får sitta bredvid Jens?". Svaret på er sista undran är: Jo, så var det.
So you couldn't sleep last because you were wondering, "who inspired her to use that floral dress yesterday"?
Svaret på er första undran och som kommer att ge er frid i sinnet är att när The Second hand years stoltserar i sin blommiga blåsa ...
The answer that will give you a restful upcoming night is that, when The Second Hand years is this fancy in her flowery gown ...

och när Frocktasia välkomnar våren med fladdriga ärmar ...
and when Frocktasia welcome spring with flowing sleeves ...

... vill ju jag också! Den här rackar'n köpte jag i när jag var i Prag utan att sitta i finkan (vilket var fallet när jag tågluffade med en lika icke-påläst kompis i Öst-Europa "för att det var så billigt" 1990). Det sunkiga fodret klippte jag bort.
I get so inspired that I'm not ashamed that I'm a copycat. I bought my dress in a second hand-shop in Prauge 2010. I did'nt like the lining (unfresh) so I cut it off. I'm a bit annoyed that the gowns that my sources of inspiration wear reach down to their ankles, though. Hrmpff. My dress look a lot like the one that "The Second hand years" are wearing, don't you think?
Underbar klanning, jag alskar att den ar sa skir att man kan se vad som hander undertill...knee-highs, YOWZA! Du ar definitivt en av mina favo bloggerskor och en av Sveriges tuffaste brudar i min bok...xXx
SvaraRaderaOh look at all of you beautiful spring blossoms!! I love your sheer floral dress SO much. xoxo
SvaraRaderaLovely foral cascades, flutter sleeves, and I love your long necklaces and great boots.
SvaraRaderaThanks for sharing your inspirations - Curtise is a dear favourite and I'm glad to meet Frocktasia!
Both those ladies are beautiful inspiration! You look gorgeous!
SvaraRaderaFlowing dresses in flowery goodness ... yes, you all are so beautiful! xx Enjoy the weekend dear. /Mads
SvaraRaderabeautiful dress.
SvaraRaderaYour sheer floral number is soooo sexy, you look amazing! Of course your dresses won't reach your ankles, you have the elegant height is a supermodel, not to mention the beauty!
SvaraRaderaYes, the print on your dress is very similar to mine. I'm Curtise, by the way. And thank you for the shout out! xxxx
What fantastic inspiration! Both Curtise and Jennie rock their florals and so do you! xxx
SvaraRaderaA beautiful dress that looks wonderful on you! Loving that turban too. All 3 of you look amazing in your florals!
SvaraRaderaI love all the floral dresses here. I have a soft spot for sheer things... You look lovely!
SvaraRaderaBecky :)
You are all gorgeous - i LOVE seeing three of my beautiful blogger friends in a single post!! I always want to wear lovely flowy floral maxis - especially after I see YOU or CUrtise wearing one!
SvaraRaderaSarah xxx
You got a great inspiration by those ladies! And you look wonderful my dear!!! xx Tani
SvaraRaderaSo amazing, just love floral look stunning in yours as does everyone else too :)) xx